The key to success is consistency

 It's been an up and down week.  Following the banquet I was really trying to continue the momentum, but I felt REALLY drained for a few days.  The problem was that the culprit could have been:

1. post COVID fatigue

2. going back to night shift and NOT getting enough sleep

3. overindulging my sweet tooth and generally not eating well

4. the shock of suddenly trying to do 160 push ups and sit ups EVERY DAY (I thought I had been preparing myself properly since November, but looking back on my numbers from that time they were really pretty scattered and not consistent - lesson learned)

5. probably not getting enough protein

6. the combination of all of the above

So, I took a couple of days off, I will admit.  Then I formed a plan.  I booked an appointment with a nutritionist.  I cut back on the sugar.  I got a bunch of veggies and have started making my own green smoothies (yum!).  After talking to a couple of teammates I realized that push up regressions are perfectly ok, and if I do 200 counter-top push ups every day now, then eventually I'll be able to work my way up to 200 on-the-floor, straight leg, proper form push ups (in a row?!  Don't get ahead of yourself, Kat).  I dug out the giant tub of protein powder.  I'm trying to get enough sleep.

All the pep talks from the team and at the meeting really helped me find a smidgen of motivation.  It's still a struggle.  But I'm also trying to be gentle with myself.

My numbers so far:

Push ups - 1965

Sit ups - 1940

AOK - 12 (I just started properly recording them and being mindful of when I do them)

Kilometers - 107.45

Lao Gar - 5 (still working on learning part 3.  Although I did actually do parts 1 and 2 in a dream the other day, so I counted that!)

Bat'Leth - 7 (Mostly research into possible form moves, but also time spent on making the Bat'Leth, which is looking pretty freaking sweet!)

Mastery - was reading it once a day, but now I find listening to it on a Youtube video more helpful.

Meditation - 25 minutes

Personal Projects - .5 (the Bat'leth)

Books - still on the first

Craft Projects - 0


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