
 I'm sorry I've been so absent lately.  Long hours, fatigue, and family obligations have taken front seat.  But I am still here, and I have still been training.

I've been thinking a lot lately about energy work and internal forms.  We had a family trip to the Stony Plain Library on Saturday and I came across a book on Qi Gong and I've been devouring it since then.  There's a lot of stuff in there that directly applies to our Kung Fu or has even been directly taught to us in class, which makes sense because it's part of the same school of philosophy (I'm not sure that's the right word, but I'm sticking with it).  

One of the things I'm working on right now is really trying to listen body, the universe, everything.  Really slow down.  Like someone says in Tron: Legacy - "Knock on the sky and listen to the sound"

I had also signed up for a 10 day silent meditation retreat a while back, and it's suddenly coming up fast.  I'm quite excited, and nervous.  It's apparently quite grueling, but well worth the journey.  I will be away from October 9th to 20th.

Song of the day: Fia by Corpo-Mente


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