Everything within you

 What a fantastic class!  I really wasn't sure what to expect.  I guess I kind of expected the Spanish Inquisition (πŸ‘€), with a full critique after the presentation of each form.  But I realized afterwards that we have to be our own critic, and that's part of what the next 1000 reps is about.  (With, of course, helpful nudges and suggestions from team mates and mentors)

In other news, I found a great quote.  I'm doing a course next week on Construction Industry Ethics, and part of the prep work was naming your own personal motto.  I had found a quote that really resonated with me in one of the mini-books I have to read for the supervisor's team (the book is Habits Die Hard: 10 Steps to Building Successful Habits, FANTASTIC book, highly recommend).  The quote is: "You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you." By Brian Tracy

When things get tough it's sometimes hard to remember that you're capable of amazing things.  So, I'm putting this blog up as a reminder to myself.

Today's song: What Fills the Gap by Will Cady, featuring Alan Watts



  1. You did awesome, although you need a glossary of episodes you took the techniques from 😜

    1. DS9 S2E19 Blood Oath
      DS9 S5E03 Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places
      TNG S7E21 First Born
      TNG S4E07 Reunion

      Those are the main ones, at least, :-D

  2. If you were nervous tonight, it didn’t show, all I saw was the fire and steel of Klingon battle rage in your eyes

  3. You still need to do your form for me! But I can probably already say it was awesome. πŸ˜„

  4. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! I enjoyed your form and you have a lot of intensity in your eyes. That adds a lot to your form.

    1. YES!!! I was hoping someone would get the reference!
      And thank you, Sihing!


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