I did a thing!

 This past weekend was pretty stellar.  I got in lots of Kung Fu, lots of family time, AND I built my raised beds.  I've been wanting to put in raised beds for years and there has always been a mental block against doing it.  But in the end, the material wasn't that expensive, the actual assembly took less than an hour, and today I'm going to get a half yard of black dirt and some seeds/starter plants and then BOOM.  ONE UNFINISHED PROJECT DOWN.  

It may seem trivial, but this is an important step for me.  I have a lot of grande ideas but my follow through has been lacking.  I've gotten a lot better, but there's still a long way to go.  But this year I really wanted to focus on making my grande ideas realities.  

Look, there's already a cheeky worm in there!

Aside from that, my sainted Hubz has spent an incredible amount of energy cleaning out our double garage, which gave me an indoor space to practice forms, away from the smoke.  I didn't realize how wonky my directions were in my Lao Gar until I put a piece of tape on the floor!  I'm feeling pretty good about prep for the Tiger Challenge, and I'm excited to compete and to see all the other divisions.  

Song of the day: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor


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