
I just realized that I have TWO major topics that need to be covered!  

First, the Tiger Challenge.  I wasn't sure what to expect, WHAT A BLAST!  The other divisions were awesome to watch, and I had sooooo much fun in mine.  Now that I see how it all goes, I already have grand plans for things I want to do next year (I have a song picked out for a musical form, even).  

I was nervous and excited for the sparring.  Todai Dylan Smith is young and skilled, so I knew I was in for a good fight.  I was pretty proud with how I did, but not surprised that he kicked my butt.  I'm pretty sure that's where I sprained my wrist, my first Kung Fu injury! (Since my husband got me an immobilizing brace, it's gotten much better).  

I wish I had been able to stay for all of the black belt division, it was incredible to watch!  Both the choreographed fights were so much fun.  I was talking with Todai Ferris about setting up cameras to record each ring next year, because there's so much going on that it's easy to miss some golden moments!

Second, was the Farmer Days Parade yesterday.  I wasn't sure what to expect for that either, so when Sidai S Csillag asked me to be the back end of her lion I was a little hesitant.  I hadn't done much in an actual lion, although I had watched them in all the practices and performances since last year.  "It's a challenge!  You must do it!" I thought.  And so it went.  It was very hard, and hot, and at times my back was burning from being bent over.  I kept having to remind myself to pull my head down, and try to match the feet movements of the head.  But all the  exclamations from the people in the crowd when we interacted with them made it so much fun, even I couldn't see. I tried to be the most entertaining butt I could be, wagging the tail and occasionally wiggling the whole butt.  By the end I was exhausted and soaked in sweat, but super happy that we entertained the crowd.

And then we got to that field, and prepped for the demo.  

"Hey, let's do a lion dance!"

*oh crap*

*ok, you just walked 3km bent over, how hard could it be?*

It was harder.  Trying to remember my unicorn stepping, while also remembering the sequence of events, while also trying to keep my head down, while also trying not to run into Shira's butt.  But, I did it!  And the next time, I can only be better.

All in all, it was a fantastic day, a great bonding experience, and good for my Kung Fu.

And, I was not nearly as sore as I thought I would be when I woke up this morning.  But I'm booking myself a massage for tomorrow afternoon, anyway.

Song of the Day: I am the Lion by Neil Diamond



  1. You did amazing, I’m so impressed and I feel like a chicken once more!😂


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