
Showing posts from August, 2023

Chaos, and 1000 miles

 My life has been chaos lately.  My Dad has been in the hospital since July 31st. He's 81 (soon to turn 82!) and his health has been on a steady downward decline for a while, but this last little while has been a big hit to him and to his immediate family.  We know that he has multiple health problems, and this has been an opportunity to find out exactly what most of them are.  But at this point we just want to make him comfortable and take him home.  It's an uphill battle. So, I have been taking my Mum to the hospital almost every day on my way to work, and picking her up on my way home (most days).  And dealing with work stuff, and normal home stuff.  It hasn't left a lot of time for Kung Fu. But Kung Fu is never far from my mind. I'll admit, my numbers and class attendance have suffered, but I've been trying to keep up with things where I can.  And I have a plan that will start up in September for doing some catch up.  In the meantime, I'm just trying to main

July numbers

This is a bit late, my apologies. It's been a busy summer, so my progress has not been what I wanted, but it has been at least consistent on the main requirements.  I did just find out what my next work assignment is, and there will be a lot of downtime, so I plan on using it to my full advantage. I'm excited for back to school week. Song of the Day: The Sound of Music by Laibach

Still Standing

 The last 3 weeks have been....dramatic.  There's been a long string of unexpected things happen that have knocked me off kilter and forced me to adapt.  For a bit there, I was wondering if there was something I had done karmically to deserve what was happening, but I remembered that even in random patterns, there are clusters.  And with every hurdle there are opportunities. And there were a few things I noted: 1. I rose to every challenge, I kept my perspective, followed the proper procedures, didn't panic. 2. EVERY situation could have been worse.  Nobody died, nothing blew up, I can always make more money, everyone could move on with their day.  I was practicing my gratitude frequently. 3. The meditation practice has been really helping me a lot!   I found it interesting to see how much Kung Fu has helped me so far in my life.  A couple of years ago I would have been a wreck, but I'm still here standing.   Song of the day: You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by 3TEETH http