Still Standing

 The last 3 weeks have been....dramatic.  There's been a long string of unexpected things happen that have knocked me off kilter and forced me to adapt.  For a bit there, I was wondering if there was something I had done karmically to deserve what was happening, but I remembered that even in random patterns, there are clusters.  And with every hurdle there are opportunities.

And there were a few things I noted:

1. I rose to every challenge, I kept my perspective, followed the proper procedures, didn't panic.

2. EVERY situation could have been worse.  Nobody died, nothing blew up, I can always make more money, everyone could move on with their day.  I was practicing my gratitude frequently.

3. The meditation practice has been really helping me a lot!  

I found it interesting to see how much Kung Fu has helped me so far in my life.  A couple of years ago I would have been a wreck, but I'm still here standing.  

Song of the day: You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by 3TEETH


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