Wake up. Kick Ass. Repeat.

 Nothing much to report this week.  I dropped my husband off on Friday for a 4 week stint out of town, so I'm single-momming it until he gets back.  I'm taking the opportunity to try to get really organized: meal plans, schedules, etc.  My parents are brilliant and stepping up, but there may be some impact on my attendance.

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day, she's been going through alcohol addiction recovery.  She said something really interesting to me, something along the lines of: 

"I had to re-acquaint myself with myself.  Suddenly, I didn't have my crutch to get me through difficult moments.  So, it felt like I was really meeting myself for the first time."

It got me thinking about some of the crutches I use.  And how those crutches may be holding me back.  Now, I've learned from bitter experience that making drastic changes to my habits usually leads to impractical results.  But if I continue with the little tweaks, those results are usually more lasting.

I went to another salt circle on Saturday, and we were pulling cards out of a deck titled "Wake up.  KICK ASS. Repeat."  I commented on how much I liked the title of the deck, then pulled my card.  Well, wouldn't you know it, this was the card I pulled:

So, that's my plan for the next little while.  Because the universe blatantly said so.

Song of the day: I Say Fever by Ramona Falls


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