Blog metrics

 So, I have an idea for the lack of blog posts.  But, I need a consensus from the TEAM.  Because as a team, we should be able to keep ourselves accountable, rather than relying on a parent figure.

After Sifu Brinker's talk with us last Thursday, I made a spreadsheet with the entire teams blog entries for the (lunar) year so far. It paints a pretty clear picture or who is ahead, who is behind, and who is just about grazing the almost minimum for blog post. 

My proposal is, we make this spreadsheet public.  It would be an easy, visual way for all of us to see how we're keeping pace with the bare minimum of this requirement.

I know that not everyone is motivated by numbers, but at the very least, this is a way for us to measure how we are living up to this, obviously rather important metric.

I also recognize that there could be many points of view that I had not considered.  Which is why I'm opening it up for debate.

So, what do you guys think?

Song of the day: Gotta Get Up by Harry Nilsson


  1. I don’t know if this will motivate people more, or just make them feel more guilty. It’s already clear to the team who has been blogging regularly and who has not been.
    At the very least it is a good idea to start a conversation amongst the team. I was trying to think of ways, and all I came up with was something akin to the Table Talk Tuesday’s or I Am Project, and that is creating a weekly question for the team to answer in a blog.

  2. I am not a fan of this tool as a form of motivation, if that is your intented outcome from this tracking system. It would be better to continue to drill in the personal benifit of journaling than to try to publically shame people into fullfilling this requirement. People who feel like they have to blog or they will be called out will only resent the process more and will not acheive the personal benefit of the action of blogging.

  3. That might make people feel even more pressure, which they are already struggling with. ~ Scribblesticks

  4. It could go either way and motivate some, or cause others to pull away. Maybe a buddy system like Sifu Rybak had us do for our personal goals would help?


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