I don't really have a lot to say today, except that it was a pretty good week. I've been getting much more consistent at doing all of my requirements, especially compared to this time last year, and that feels good.
I managed to make it to open training this last Saturday and had some good progress on the Butterfly Sword form work with Shawn.
There was kind of a funny moment when Malinda was asking me about what I was going to do for my Musical Form
"Probably just my Butterfly Sword form" Said I.
"Oh, then what are you doing for your weapon form?" Said she.
"........F*#$" Said I, forgetting that I had signed up for ALL THE THINGS.
No matter, I have formulated a backup plan, and have a number of good tracks from which I'm trying to choose.
Song of the Day: Nature of Inviting by IAMX (Currently one of the top runners)
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