I AM Organized

I've been putting this blog off all week, not because I'm not feeling good about everything, but because I just couldn't think of something to say.  So, I'm dipping into the I AM chalice.

I realized last year that I have undiagnosed adult ADHD.  It was stupid how, lots of my friends who are diagnosed ADHD were posting memes on facebook about the condition and it was getting a little too familiar, then I saw this one:

I looked back on my life and saw all the signs, from hyper-focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time, to time-blindness, to procrastination, to executive dysfunction.  I've spent the last 20 years building up my coping mechanisms without even realizing it.  

So, the last couple of months when I actually got my butt in gear and worked on my Bat'leth form, made the Bat'leth, researched it, organized it, printed and laminated it, put it into a good (I hope) order, and practiced it, tweaked it, all long before the deadline instead of frantically at the last minute, has made me immensely proud of how far I've come.

Now, I've got a long way to go, still.  I thought I was doing pretty good in all departments until I realized the other day that my truck was very, very, very overdue for her oil change.  But I feel like I can call myself a functioning adult.  I am (somewhat) organized.

Today's song: Get Myself to Saturday by Michael Franti and Spearhead


  1. Looking forward to seeing your form! And I think your doing are doing Great by the way 😊

  2. It was looking pretty good in class Thursday. Excited to see it come together more.

    1. Thanks! I'm excited to see everyone else's on Thursday, I'm sure there will be badassery all around!

  3. Your weapon of choice is now on my list of all-time favourites. I am excited to see where you are at with it on Thursday. And for someone who couldn't think of something to say, fantastic post!

  4. I too can relate and looking forward to seeing your weapon form.

  5. I love reading your blogs, you’ve got a great way of writing. I’m excited for Thursday!


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