Increase speed to Warp factor 2

 Things have been going well.  I'm generally getting my numbers in, but I haven't been having the progress that I would like, so it's time to ramp it up.  This week I was starting a new professionally led diet, which was a good start.  I'm also banning myself from social media for the week because it is turning into a time suck rather than a tool for connecting.  I'm doing up a loose schedule, or rather a daily task list, of things to be accomplished each day.

I'll check in with myself at the end of the week!

In other news, I realized last week that I made a mistake with my weapons form.  Well, not so much a mistake as: if I had to do it over again, I would have chosen a pre-made form for this year, and made the bold decision to make up a form on a fictitious weapon after I had much more experience with weapons overall for next year.  But I have chosen my spicy soup and now I have to eat it.  It just means there's a bit more elbow grease required.

On Saturday I met up with my friend who captains the IKV Swifthawk, the local chapter of the Klingon Assault Group (boy, do I know some nerds).  We spent an hour swinging bat'leths around talking about protocol and the practicality of some of the moves on the show.  I got some fantastic material to incorporate, and leads on more episodes of Star Trek that I hadn't thought to watch.


  1. Keep us posted as to how your diet is going. I’m still excited to see how your form develops!

  2. I don't know if I could ever agree with you about your mistake. Having to watch Star Trek to get ideas for a form that you are developing is like next level mastery. In fact, it is genius. Who else can say they have to watch a great television show as part of their mastery journey? Now if you can figure out how to fit Cheezies into the mix, you will become a legend.


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