Dammit, you're right

 Dear Sifu Ryback,

I needed to hear all the things you said in the meeting last night.  And I wanted you to know that you were very eloquent.

So, confession time!  This week I got dressed down at work.  There was a medium sized SNAFU and although it was half not-my-fault, the other half was definitely MY fault.  It was a big hit to my confidence, to the point where I was wondering if I was really cut out to do my job or if I should just go crawl into a hole and flip burgers for the rest of my life.  I was feeling pretty raw when we started the meeting, but at least I was there.

And even though you were talking about Kung Fu, all the points you made are applicable to every situation that comes up in life (which you also said, I think).  

And I had been giving myself a lot of negative self-talk.  And I had been missing all the positives and opportunities that the situation offered.  

After all, my superiors still believe in my ability to do my job, even if I have a lot of work to do to pull this job out of the rut it's gotten into.  They have actually told me this.

And I was so busy wallowing in self-pity that I wasn't sure what to do next, until you made the blindingly obvious point that next you make a plan of action, and then take the action.

Other take-aways:

-Bring a notebook, next time, Kat.

-The way you talk to yourself and phrase things to yourself affects your brain.  Be more positive.

-In every s%^$y situation, find the opportunities for growth.

-Let yourself feel the emotions, but don't let them distract you from Mastery

-Brutal honesty with yourself is the hardest kind, but deep diving into your own strengths and weaknesses will provide you with the best tools for growth.


Crap.  I know there were so many nuggets of pure gold.  If anyone has some I missed please let me know!

Anyway, thank you, Sifu.  

I picked up what you put down.


  1. Well said. Spoken clearly to me as well. You’ve got this!!

  2. Love it. Thanks for summarizing it again for me. Not sure if you need a notebook, you managed to pick it all up. :-)


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