
Showing posts from June, 2023

Don't be scared, just keep being.

 I've had a week.  I'm trying to finish up this night shift job in Fort Saskatchewan, but it's tricky to schedule it because I need to make sure my other (day shift) site is covered.  So, I had sub-trades booked Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night, after day shifts Monday and Tuesday.  It's exhausting moving from day shift to night shit, especially short term. On top of this, my wrist is still quite painful.  But only when I twist it.  There are certain movements that really hurt, but it's fine the rest of the time.  I went to a walk-in clinic on Wednesday and got requisitions to have it x-rayed and ultra-sounded, because I'm worried that it's not just a sprain.  Still waiting to hear back on the results. Anyway, Monday I worked late so I didn't get to class.  But did manage to make it to Dragon Dance practice.  It was a good practice and I'm finally feeling confident that we'll be able to do a great showing for the dragon dance.   Wednesday I m


I just realized that I have TWO major topics that need to be covered!   First, the Tiger Challenge.  I wasn't sure what to expect, WHAT A BLAST!  The other divisions were awesome to watch, and I had sooooo much fun in mine.  Now that I see how it all goes, I already have grand plans for things I want to do next year (I have a song picked out for a musical form, even).   I was nervous and excited for the sparring.  Todai Dylan Smith is young and skilled, so I knew I was in for a good fight.  I was pretty proud with how I did, but not surprised that he kicked my butt.  I'm pretty sure that's where I sprained my wrist, my first Kung Fu injury! (Since my husband got me an immobilizing brace, it's gotten much better).   I wish I had been able to stay for all of the black belt division, it was incredible to watch!  Both the choreographed fights were so much fun.  I was talking with Todai Ferris about setting up cameras to record each ring next year, because there's so muc

May the Numbers be with You

  I've been trying to write this blog since Thursday, and the tone has changed many, many times.  To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about my numbers for May.  I set out at the beginning of the month to work on the things that had been getting neglected: meditation, reading, memorizing Mastery, unfinished projects.  I did increase all of those, but the effort felt huge and yet it was not enough to actual get me to where I want to be at the end of the year.  And I'm not saying "the end of the year" because it's the end goal, more that I want my participation in all of these requirements to be at a high level by the end of the year.  That's how I want my life to look. So, I need to figure out how to structure things a bit better.  Something to work on.