May the Numbers be with You


I've been trying to write this blog since Thursday, and the tone has changed many, many times.  To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about my numbers for May.  I set out at the beginning of the month to work on the things that had been getting neglected: meditation, reading, memorizing Mastery, unfinished projects.  I did increase all of those, but the effort felt huge and yet it was not enough to actual get me to where I want to be at the end of the year.  And I'm not saying "the end of the year" because it's the end goal, more that I want my participation in all of these requirements to be at a high level by the end of the year.  That's how I want my life to look.

So, I need to figure out how to structure things a bit better.  Something to work on.


  1. I feel like we always look at the things that we HAVEN’T accomplished, and take for granted the things we have. For instance, when you wrote “check” for the things like “no quitting”, “online presence”, “no missed meetings”, etc, did you give yourself a second to celebrate that? If you’re like me, you probably just go past them with a “yeah but these are givens…the “easy” stuff”……except they’re not. They are the hardest and there’s a reason they are written down specifically as requirements. So relook at these and see that you are consistently succeeding at the most difficult ones. Keep at it and the rest will fall into place.


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