Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst pt 2

 "Hope for the best, but Prepare for the worst"

That has been one of my personal mottos for a few years now.  It started as part of my job.  In construction, and especially in the safety aspect of construction, it's important to imagine the worst scenario, so that you can put things in place to stop them from happening.

-Working near the edge of a roof?  Imagine someone slipping near the edge and falling down.  Put up barricades.

-Power cord got damaged and has exposed wires?  Imagine someone not inspecting it before use and getting electrocuted. Either fix the damage or red tag the cord so nobody will use it.

-Someone left the fence open?  Imagine a child running through the gap and getting hurt on the site.  Close up the gap, educate your workers about the importance of protecting the public. 

It's sometimes important to think about the worst thing that happen because then you can take STEPS.  Because not very many people go to work planning to get hit by a skid steer, but it does happen.

Did you know that your chances of surviving a plan crash increase significantly if you pay attention to the safety briefing, and follow the instructions? (take note of the closest exit, leave your belongings behind, JUMP onto the slide).  

My daughter, who started Kindergarten in September, had her first lockdown drill at school last week.  At first I was horrified to hear that this was a thing (I can't imagine being a parent in the States these days), but then I thought "I hope she never has to use it, but it's good for her to know, just in case."

I've had a couple of emergency situations at work.  Nothing major, but instances where quick decision making and action were required to make sure that much WORSE things didn't happen.  I can attribute my success in those situations directly to my training.

I didn't start studying Kung Fu for the self defense.  I was more interested in learning to move like Michelle Yeoh.  I've never walked down an alley with my keys laced between my knuckles hoping that I don't meet an untimely end (which is, apparently, very rare and lucky for a woman these days), but the more we study choke defenses, the more I think "You know, I hope I never have to use this stuff, but I'll be very glad to know it, just in case."

So yeah, I'll hope for the best and keep working hard so that I can break boards and look awesome doing flying kicks and wielding nunchucks or whatever.  But I'll also pay close attention because it's quite possible that, someday, somehow, Kung Fu might also prepare me for the worst.

Just in case.

Song of the day: Beast by Chris Classic


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