I AM Self Sufficient

I have always prided myself on being self sufficient.  My husband always joked that one of the things that he loved about me was that I didn't NEED him (but WANTED him).  I love being able to do things on my own, from figuring out how to move something really heavy (tip: leverage is your best friend!) to changing the oil on my truck.

I think part of it comes from being an introvert and preferring to be alone.  I find a lot of social situations very draining and need time to myself to recharge.  It's not only daunting to ask for help sometimes, but it's often just easier and faster for me to do it myself.

Another part of it is working in a very male-dominated industry.  From the very beginning I wanted to prove that I had what it takes to be in construction, and that I wasn't going to be a burden that had to rely on my male coworkers for every task.  It's amazing how a little problem solving and stubbornness will  help you find a solution to most things.

But just because a person CAN do everything for themselves doesn't mean that they can't reach out and ask for help, or be part of a team.  It took me a long time to get used to that idea, and my default is still going it alone.  But being part of the I Ho Chuan team has made a big impact, because we're all pretty like-minded: driven, compassionate, resourceful.  Surrounding myself with people who ask more of me than I do has taught me to go farther than I would have alone.

So thanks for that


Song of the day: Morning Glory by Oasis


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