
For sit ups and push ups, I've been doing things a bit differently this year.  I had started a late last lunar year with doing 25 push ups and sit ups first thing in the morning.  So that, no matter what, I always had at least 25 push ups and sit ups EVERY day.

This has continued, and I'm proud of the fact that there has not been ONE day where I've missed doing it.  

Secondly, I've been focusing on doing FULL push ups.  Every time.  I'll set an alarm, and when it goes off I'll drop down and do 10, full, straight leg push ups, and then sit ups.  Comparatively, last year, I was doing 25 modified push ups against the counter for every set. 

And the push ups are getting easier.  The sit ups have never been an issue for me, so I've been concentrating more on keeping my heels on the ground, and my back straight.

I guess I've been focusing on quality over quanitity, while slowly ramping up the quantity.

Also, after Aviva mentioned it at the last meeting, I decided to move my excel spreadsheet over to Google Sheets, so that I can add to it on the go, instead of trying to figure out what Acts of Kindness I did over the day or how many push ups and sit ups I did.  So far so good!  Also, voice-to-text is awesome.

Thirdly, for my personal requirement of running 5k straight by the end of the year, I ordered barefoot running shoes, and they arrived last week.  I finally got a chance to take them for a spin yesterday and they make a world of difference!  

And finally, one of the reasons I chose the Butterfly Sword form that I did, and Hsieh Chien, was because both were short, and didn't need a lot of space, so I could practice them more easily.  That choice has so far proved correct.

Little tweaks.  Sometimes they are the changes that reap the most benefit.

Song of the Post: Changes by David Bowie


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