
I've been struggling with my butterfly sword form.  It's kind of silly, because I found a video of a form from a Wing Chun school in Toronto, and I liked the look of the form, and it was short and seemed simple enough.  

"This will be easy to learn, and then easy to practice"

Oh, foolish Kat.  

Having not done a lot of weapon forms, I underestimated how hard it would be for me to learn this one.  Especially because I was just watching a video, and didn't have a teacher who could break down certain movements, or who I could direct questions to. 

I did find another video from the same school from the opposite angle, but it's been a slog.

There was one particular movement that was just really hurting my brain.  I tried breaking down the arm movements from the leg movements, but I just couldn't seem to crack it.  Then I remembered Sihing (M) Ward talking about the youtube channel Sifu Kuttle, and how he had a bunch of videos breaking down movements specifically for the butterfly swords.  

I found a most interesting bit of insight in that video:

"Learning movements takes time.  Your mind can pick this up fast, but the body has to pick it up.  You have to build that muscle memory. And that takes longer than the mind."

Our teachers talk so much about repetition.  We do a lot of it in class, but in the grand scheme of things, class is only 2 x 50 minutes a week.  If I really want to be good at this, I need to do the repetitions in order to get the muscle memory.  


No Mind

Go figure.

My blog on the Why I'm Here is still in the works, just needs a bit more pondering.

Song of the Day: Catch Yer Own Train by the Silver Seas


  1. I had too look up what the butterfly sword looked like cause I forgot! I am looking forward to your beta at the end of the month!


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