Where am I, what am I doing?

The questions were asked on Thursday:

"Why did you sign up for Kung Fu?"

"Why did you stay?"

The first question is easy: I want to be a badass.  I want to be able to do kicks and flips just like Michelle Yeoh.  I want to gain personal grace and tranquility.  That part will probably never change.

Why did I stay?  I'm not going to lie, it hasn't always been easy.  There were times, especially at the beginning when I didn't know anyone, where anxiety would make it very hard to go to class. And there were many times where I would drive to the school, and be too scared or stressed out to get out of the car and go in. But the original motive stuck with me, and the more I got to know the people and the school and the IDEALS of the school, the more I realized that this is a place that had the power to do good, not just for me, but for everyone.  

And so, I stuck with it.  And I made friends, and I got more consistent with my attendance.  I joined the I Ho Chuan team, and I really feel like I've become part of the community, and moreover the...mission?  Movement?  Agenda?

Because I started Kung Fu to make myself better, and I also always had this personal side mission to make the world better.  And now I'm realizing that, actually, those two goals are the same.  Because lifting up and educating one person makes the world as a whole a better place, and also the ripple effect caused by bringing a group of people together and making them better has an exponential effect.

And so I've stayed because now I don't just want to be a badass, I want to be a badass in a better world.  And being part of this school has given me the best idea of how to make that happen.


  1. You are pretty bad ass already for being a part of SRKF! And heck yeah! lets make the world a better place!!


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