Time. Part 2
I have to confess, I've felt a bit...un-enthusiastic about everything lately. Not that anything is bad, but I've felt drained of joy. This family vacation was much needed, and it was a great time. But I've had troubling thoughts. Thoughts about what I'm doing and why I'm doing them. About what I'm devoting my time to. I've even had thoughts about quitting the I Ho Chuan. Not this year, but perhaps not signing up for next year. Taking a break. Not for good, but, I told myself, maybe until Frankie is a bit older and needs less care and attention. Being a parent is hard, and requires a lot of physical and mental effort. I told myself that maybe if I could pare down my responsibilities outside of that it could be easier. But, I realized 2 things: 1. It would not be easier. The things that already take up my time would be no less frustrating. Being a parent and having a full time job is a slog no matter how you book-end ...